Adding Social Media Icons into your Posts and Pages

Use Socials shortcode to display your selected socials in a stylish way. You can add the Socials shortcode, select your desired direction, then fill in its attributes. Available options will be explained below.


[aux_socials_list size="medium" direction="horizontal" title="Title"]


[aux_socials_list size="medium" direction="vertical" title="Title"]

To see the demos of Socials, check out this link.

Option Default Value Values and Description
title "Title" Here you can write a title for the shortcode or leave it empty.
direction "horizontal" "horizontal" "vertical"
size "medium" It allows you to change the size of the icons to: "small" "medium" "large" "extra-large"
extra_classes " " Add your custom CSS class names here, to style particular content element differently.
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